Assignment #4
  1. 1
    Wiki: On this page, click the random article generator three times, and let one of those articles inspire your piece.
  2. 2
    Wind: Incorporate a non-vocal instrument that uses air to generate its sound.
  3. 3
    Waltz: Write this song in triplet time.
  • Due May 24, 2020
  • 15 Submissions
  • Created by nurphgun


Ben May 10, 2020 7:07pm

so excited to choose a color on a gradient that spans wide hues.

Sam Pearce May 11, 2020 3:26pm

Haha same. Complementary ones at that.

peter May 24, 2020 7:56pm

compliments should go to nora but she’s passing the credit along to her eternal inspiration.. the miami dolphins

Other Assignments

Assignment #21
  1. 1
    Choose a chord progression with no more than four chords in it and never deviate.
  2. 2
    Create three distinct song sections by focusing mostly on melody.
  3. 3
    No hiding! No effects other than EQ and compression.
Assignment #20
  1. 1
    Base your song off of a dream you’ve had—recurring or otherwise.
  2. 2
    Feature two interweaving musical elements.
  3. 3
    Involve your subconscious by including some amount of improvisation in your recording.
Assignment #19
  1. 1
    Set your song at a motel during a meteor shower.
  2. 2
    Feature a “cascading” melody.
  3. 3
    During your process, spend some time outside at night alone.