Timonium (sketch)

  • Feb 5, 2024
Sam Pearce
Meteor Shower at the Motel

Hey everyone!

I was writing this song and my tendonitis got the best of me, so I need to take some time off of guitar, but I wanted to submit something so here’s what I had!

Was experimenting with my harmonizer pedal (producing a fifth and octave above the pitch for every pitch I actually played).

The idea is that if I were driving to my dad’s and got to tired to stay awake on the highway, I might stop at a motel in Timonium, MD. There’s a B section too, about the meteor shower, which I also sketched so I’ll remember.

Thank you for listening!

Looking for feedback on

When I’m able to play again, I intend to finish this! In the meantime, if you have any ideas please feel free to share! I’m not really ready to receive critical feedback on this since I was only an hour into the process of creating it and want to keep an open mind.


EliasSZ February 14, 2024 11:17am

Sam, love that chord progression with the harmonizer pedal. Love the vocal melody on the “oos”. I hear some really nice harmonies you could build out with that also. Really curious to hear the full version of this when the tendonitis is feeling better!

Ryan February 7, 2024 1:56pm

Nice melody at the end of that first phrase! Maybe more variation on the setup each time? I think this’ll be a good’n once you develop it! Thanks for sharing as always.

Ben February 7, 2024 10:03am

hey sam! no real suggestions here. i love the chords and the vocals, and would love to hear this fleshed out. And i agree with nick about the harmonies. that would sound great.

nick February 5, 2024 12:44pm

really nice sounds in here. and the harmonizer pedal is working for me. one little thought could be a harmony with the “ooos” that comes in every other time to highlight the change in the low note of the guitar. dont know if it would work, but may be nice to try. thanks for sharing!