Assignment #14
- 1Write a theme song for an imaginary TV show.
- 2The show’s premise is equal parts your real life, and very much not your real life.
- 3Feature an instrument you have never featured before.
- Due Mar 26, 2023
- 7 Submissions
- Created by NCBC
Other Assignments
Assignment #21
- 1Choose a chord progression with no more than four chords in it and never deviate.
- 2Create three distinct song sections by focusing mostly on melody.
- 3No hiding! No effects other than EQ and compression.
Assignment #20
- 1Base your song off of a dream you’ve had—recurring or otherwise.
- 2Feature two interweaving musical elements.
- 3Involve your subconscious by including some amount of improvisation in your recording.
Assignment #19
- 1Set your song at a motel during a meteor shower.
- 2Feature a “cascading” melody.
- 3During your process, spend some time outside at night alone.
Ben March 26, 2023 11:03pm
These are all excellent submissions, wow
nick March 15, 2023 11:37am
just purchased my feature instrument for $12.99
Ryan March 13, 2023 1:12pm
And we mean FEATURE it.